@frozen struct Task<Success, Failure> where Success: Sendable, Failure: Error
init(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async -> Success)
init(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async throws -> Success)
@frozen struct TaskGroup<ChildTaskResult> where ChildTaskResult: Sendable
TaskGroup은 별도의 메서드를 사용해 생성해야 하며, 생성된 task 내에서만 사용해야 함.
func addTask(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async -> ChildTaskResult)
func addTaskUnlessCancelled(priority: TaskPriority?, operation: () async -> ChildTaskResult) -> Bool
func next() async -> ChildTakResult?
func waitForAll() async
func cancelAll()
addTask : 그룹에 task 추가
addTaskUnlessCancelled : 그룹이 종료(cancel)되지 않았으면 task 추가
next : 다음 Task가 완료되길 기다려 해당 값을 리턴
waitForAll : 모든 Task들이 완료될때까지 대기
cancelAll: 모든 그룹내 Task 취소
TaskGroup 생성
새로운 태스크 그룹 생성을 위한 Concurrency 메서드
func withTaskGroup<ChildTaskResult, GroupResult>(
of childTaskResultType: ChildTaskResult.Type,
returning returnType: GroupResult.Type = GroupResult.self,
body: (inout TaskGroup<ChildTaskResult>) async -> GroupResult) async -> GroupResult where ChildTaskResult: Sendable
func withThrowingTaskGroup<ChildTaskResult, GroupResult>(
of childTaskResultType: ChildTaskResult.Type,
returning returnType: GroupResult.Type = GroupResult.self,
body: (inout ThrowingTaskGroup<ChildTaskResult, Error>) async throws -> GroupResult) async rethrows -> GroupResult where ChildTaskResult: Sendable
TaskGroup을 사용한 타임아웃 처리
원하는 task를 별도 task와 타이머 task로 task group 에 추가하고, next() 를 통해 완료된 task의 결과를 체크하는 형태로 타임아웃을 구현할 수 있다.
enum MyError: LocalizedError {
case timeout
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .timeout:
return "timeout"
var errorDescription: String? {
Task {
try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Sendable.self) { group -> Sendable in
group.addTask {
return sendable
group.addTask {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(1 * 1_000_000_000))
throw MyError.timeout
guard let result = try await group.next() else {
throw CancellationError()
return result
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